The healthcare ecosystem, driven by advancing technology, is shifting towards patient-centric care. To support this transition, payers are increasingly seeking ways to intelligently automate workflows, optimizing operations while reducing time and resource waste.
AI healthcare services offer the potential to enhance population health management (PHM) efforts in line with compliance. At Nalashaa, with our deep expertise in healthcare IT, we know what it takes to help you achieve these goals.
Are You Facing These Challenges Too?
As a payer organization in the current business ecosystem, you are bound to have come across one or more of these challenges across the following areas.
Data Management and Analysis
Population Stratification | FWA | Network leakage
Alignment with Compliance Measures
HEDIS | STAR ratings
Members | Providers | Family | Social Workers
Preventive and Proactive Healthcare
Care plan adherence | Wellness |Regimen Mgmt.
Linear Revenue/Cost association
Claims management | Customer Service | Contracting

Our AI Healthcare Services to the Rescue
While possibilities and specificity may vary with your context, below is a starter’s kit.
Fraud Detection in
Claim Requests
Intelligent Claim
Predictive System
Reduce Network
Identify opportunities
for CDI
Chronic Illness Risk Assessment
Avoid Re-admissions
Smart Symptom Checker
Proactive and Preventive Care
Personalized Digital Marketing
24x7 Support Bots
Intelligent Appointment Scheduling (IAS)
Smarter Reimbursement Contracts
Routine Provider Credentialing
AI assisted Provider Education
Remote Interventions
STAR Rating
Clinical Rating
Quality measures
Customer Satisfaction Measure
Be the Captain of Your Success
Optimize your healthcare operations in line with the necessary KPIs with supervised and un-supervised ML algorithms.
Reduce Turn Around Time
Improve ROI
Better Member Response
Reduced Member Churn
Refined Provider Performance
Up-to date with Compliance
Seamless Transition of Care
Smooth Contract Negotiations

Partner With Us
At Nalashaa we have the best in Healthcare IT helping you navigate through the trenches of the vast and confusing healthcare ecosystem.
Assess business to set realistic goals
Identifying workflows that need AI solutions
Measure and track necessary KPIs
Experts in healthcare product development
Experience Optimized Success with AI Healthcare Solutions
Experience Optimized
Success with AI Solutions
Let us Help Build Customized AI Solutions
to Unleash Your Data and Advance
Patient-centric Healthcare
Worth Exploring
A glimpse of our industry expertise