Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Reimbursements A Look at the Developments, Challenges and Future of CMS Reimbursements
The CMS’s amends to RPM service’ billing regulations and introducing the 2021 Physician Fee Schedule have paved the way for new promising revenue streams for care providers. However, with a rise in the total number of care providers using mobile applications to deliver RPM services and the CMS’s use of new CPT codes to record RPM services, many new essential updates await care providers.
In this whitepaper, we cover the changes to the reimbursement structure of RPM services and what HIT vendors and care providers must do to leverage the improvements in coverage.
The Improvements in RPM Reimbursements
In 2021, The CMS covers over 23 state-level Medicare programs. In addition, many commercial payers cover RPM services as a subset of their telehealth coverage policies under specific caveats.
The Strategy for Better Reimbursements
The advancement and subsequent success of the new reimbursement improvement depend on many factors. Therefore, we cover all the essential details.
Insights Into the Technology
To enable care providers to choose what they require from an RPM set up, we present some important considerations.
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Here are Some Essentials!
Ensure compliance with the latest healthcare regulations