Mu3 certification of a behavioural health EMR solution

Mu3 certification of a behavioural health EMR solution

The client is an Oklahoma based, mental and behavioural health sciences organization, with a home-grown fully integrated Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and practice management software (PMS). The client’s solutions are used by all its facilities across the central United States.

The Challenge

The client’s standard EMR offering needed a comprehensive upgrade, as per the guidelines of MU3. The implementation process would need to take the least possible time. This was mainly because there was a high probability of its care providers being subjected to penalties, in accordance with the CMS mandate.

The level of complexity required in the expertise of an experienced healthcare IT solutions company. It barely took a few days for the client to choose Nalashaa once we broke the ice with a series of exploratory discussions.

An outline of the challenges

What We Did For the Client


Nalashaa’s team of experienced business analysts, charted out a course of action for the implementation. It began with the assessment of the application for gaps, both from a regulatory and functional standpoint.

Workflow Design

The development team designed workflows and enhanced the solution keeping in mind the targeted customers and certification requirements. The certification process was spearheaded by Nalashaa interacting with the proctors and eventually presenting to the Drummond group for a successful certification.

Mock Sessions

Detailed mock sessions were conducted to prepare for certification with the proctors. We ran the drills with prescribed test scripts, quickly spun test environments and test data, just as we would do during a live certification. This vastly improved the chances of MU3 certification when the application was presented before our friends from Drummond.

How We Made a Difference

Mu3 certification without negative impact on client sales numbers

Comprehensive support, including rigorous testing

Seamless integration with third party vendors

Technology Stack

  • .Net Core
  • .NET
  • Angular 2.0
  • MS Azure
  • Web API 2.0

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