MU2 certification for EHR and EMR Mental Health Software System
A HIPAA compliant Electronic Health Records and Customer Relationship Management software system provider specializing in behavioral health and substance use industry wanted to upgrade their current EHR system to be Meaningful Use Stage 2 certified, keeping their existing usability, without impacting their existing workflow.

Client Challenge
The client, having a web based EHR with an existing user base didn’t want to change the way they interact with the current system. Nevertheless, they wanted to be able to build features and workflows in the system to meet Meaningful Use Certification. The client was half way into the development of HL7 interfaces, patient portal, and revenue cycle management product and wanted Nalashaa’ s expert team to complete the development along with Meaningful Use release. Initially the client wanted to develop certain features to their web based patient portal and integrate with their EHR.
Nalashaa having extensive experience working with EHR products to achieve Meaningful Use certification, proposed a 6-month development and certification plan including seamless integration with patient portal and third party software. The team analyzed the gaps in the existing EHR w.r.t MU2 certification requirements, and developed the necessary capability without adversely impacting the current workflow. A CCDA Engine that automatically generates and shares the CCDAs with patients after consultation was built as art of the initiative. This ensured configurability and extensibility for future versions of CCDA. Similarly, a Configurable Quality Report Engine was developed to help clients generate QRDA reports without changing the existing database. The team also developed the vocabulary database that can be customized for each organization/facility.
Successful and painless MU2 certification
Seamless integration with third party solutions
Automatic generation and sharing of documents (Care summaries, discharge summaries etc.)
Technology Stack
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- WebServices
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