Healthcare Mobile App Development Services - USA

Healthcare app development is a process of building applications for mobile devices to help users streamline medical processes, improve communication, and enhance patient care. This includes features like telemedicine, appointment scheduling, lab results reviews, prescription, remote monitoring and more.

Healthcare mobile app development services involve creating user-friendly, secure, and innovative mobile applications tailored for the healthcare industry, offering features like telemedicine, appointment scheduling, medical records access, etc. to better patient care and overall healthcare experience.

Focus areas of Healthcare Mobile Applications

Healthcare app development is a process of building applications for mobile devices to help users streamline medical processes, improve communication, and enhance patient care. This includes features like telemedicine, appointment scheduling, lab results reviews, prescription, remote monitoring and more.

A person holding a phone is confused because of the present limitations of a healthcare mobile application.

Need Identification

Bridge the gap between business goals, customer needs, and real-world applications.

Security and Privacy

Ensure patient privacy by safeguarding healthcare information during access and sharing.


Adhere to federal and state regulations governing ePHI and healthcare standards.

User Experience (UX)

Create a seamless and immersive user experience with designs requiring minimal effort.


Integrate medical devices and healthcare systems through interoperability standards.


Optimize logistics with strategic technology selection, efficient publishing to Android and iOS, smooth DevOps, and effective release management and support.

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Use-cases of our Healthcare Mobile Applications

Healthcare applications have the power to help all three major entities of healthcare.


  • Access to ePHI
  • Schedule Appointments
  • Health Tracker
  • Self-help programs
  • Preventive Care
  • Alerts & Reminders
  • Telehealth
  • Integrating Payment


  • Remote Consultation
  • Patient Triage
  • Access to ePHI & Lab data
  • Care Coordination
  • Provider Education
  • Voice Assistants
  • Appointment Management
  • Emergency Alerts


  • Plan Selection
  • Member Enrolment
  • Provider Directory
  • Patient/Provider Education
  • Member Outreach
  • Medication Adherence
  • Health Assessments
  • Surveys and Feedback
  • Emergency Alerts

Two most common Healthcare Mobile Applications

These are two really powerful yet simple applications that promote better care.

Example of a patient portal app and all the features that it provides to ease the journey of a patients while booking an appointment.

Healthcare Mobile Apps for Patients – Appointment Booking

These applications are created to make the entire process of appointment booking as easy as possible for your patients. These also facilitate uploading and accessing medical history from anywhere and at any time. Our healthcare mobile applications can perform all of these and even more than that. Here are some of the other top features.

  • Collect and store PHI in accordance with the government compliances
  • Connects with your patient’s insurance organization promoting transparent billing
  • Remote assistance at times of sudden emergencies
  • Provide information exchange between the EHR, IOT devices and other wearables
  • Provide targeted educational material depending on diagnosis
  • Send out alerts, notifications and reminders

Mobile App for Hospitals - Medical Staff

In a provider setting, it is important that all the doctors and nurses are updated with the most recent information about every patient or else this might cause serious complications. These applications help in keeping every medical staff informed about their colleague’s work logs. Here is a list of all the added features our application provides.

  • Access your patients' medical history even when away from the clinic.
  • Create digital prescriptions with ease and keep track of dosage
  • Collaborate with other specialists in the hospital for better and informed diagnosis
  • Access you schedule and appointment history all at one place
  • Automate tasks like data entry and information exchange with state PDMP data base
  • Track availability of medical equipment’s and other assets
Example of In-house Mobile app for medical staff and all the features that it provides to prevent staff burnouts.

Some of our Healthcare Mobile Applications

We are here for your diverse needs.

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Use-cases of our Healthcare Mobile Applications

Healthcare applications have the power to help three major entities – providers, payers and patients in healthcare.

A mobile showcasing the use cases/benefits of a healthcare mobile application.

Enhanced outreach and lower idle
time for providers

Minimize errors attributable to
accurate/timely access to ePHI

Raise patient loyalty by increasing
involvement in care decisions

Timely care to patient at their
emote locations

Improve care coordination across care team

Augment efficiency via auto-triaging
and reduced non-emergency visits

Areas, we can help you with our Healthcare Mobile App Development Services

From Concept to Completion: How We Support Your Healthcare App Journey

Developing a New Solution

We build scalable mobile apps for rapid deployment to app stores.

Enhancing Mobile Applications

We reinvent your existing apps with cutting-edge UX and innovative features.

Redefining User Experience

We craft compelling user experiences that consider user needs, accessibility, and WCAG guidelines.

Ensuring Data Security

Strengthen your security layers with us to protect patient data, ensuring compliance with HIPAA and other governing regulations.

Achieving Interoperability

Implement seamless data exchange across healthcare systems with standards-compliant APIs like FHIR/USCDI, EDI, and HL7.

Powering Intelligence

Generate valuable insights through data analytics, visualization, and predictive modeling by aggregating data from various sources.

Why Nalashaa

Your Partner in Healthcare Innovation

A business man climbing up the stairs of success and looking forward to a brighter futures

Experience Design

From understanding objectives and user personas, we design features, create wireframes for feedback, and finalize technical specifications.

Product Development

We create an MVP, solicit feedback, implement the full product, and verify application behavior.

UAT & Go Live

We publish for UAT, incorporate feedback, conduct a GA flight test, and then publish for general availability.

Proactive Sustenance

We diagnose usage, apply fixes and enhancements, gather user feedback, and continuously optimize the application.

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Let's Connect to advance mobile healthcare.
Let’s level up your healthcare app development game: your vision our expertise.
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Healthcare App Development FAQs

Yes, healthcare applications are profitable, as it seen that the revenue from healthcare applications reached $3.4 billion in 2023. This profitability is driven by the growing demand for digital health solutions, as more individuals and healthcare professionals seek practical and effective methods to manage health and well-being.
Although there are numerous features like appointment scheduling, medication reminders, and health tracking, the most popular mobile medical app function is telemedicine. Telemedicine allows patients to consult with healthcare providers remotely via video calls, chat, or voice calls, offering convenience, accessibility, and timely medical assistance. This function has gained immense popularity due to its ability to provide immediate care, especially during emergencies or when in-person visits are not feasible.
Nalashaa Solutions have been in business for more than a decade now. We make security and HIPAA compliance our priority to ensure high levels of data protection for the patients. We strictly adhere to all regulations designed to safeguard healthcare information in our application development.
Mobile app development serves a multipurpose role in the healthcare industry. It can help streamline hundreds of administrative and healthcare management functions, such as allowing individuals to efficiently track and follow their health issues, easily access healthcare information, maintain health records, and many more.
The duration of healthcare app development varies based on the app type, feature and design requirements, platforms, and development strategy. On average, the development process takes between 4 to 6 months.

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