As the Cures Act 2022 deadline approaches, the urgency for EHR vendors to act is increasing. Many vendors have adopted a wait-and-see approach due to the complexity, evolving standards, and varying interpretations of the requirements. However, with the flexibility granted by CMS due to the pandemic coming to an end, the looming deadline is becoming more challenging by the day.

It’s “All Hands on Deck” for most EHRs

What is Expected from EHRs?

While the complete list is a little longer, below are the key objectives that will demand the lion’s share of the effort. Also, while compliance requirements need to be met, solution providers would need to ensure that they implement these changes in a way that makes sense from a business perspective for the providers.

Real-world Testing and Reporting

Consent Management (C2S) Implementation

New IGs for CQMs and Implantable Devices

Information Blocking Avoidance Measures

New eRx transactions + NCPDP 2017071 transition

FHIR/USCDI APIs for Complete EHI - Patient and Population

What Happens if you don’t?

Up to $1M in Civil Monetary Penalties

Suspension, Termination or Ban on Certification

Entry into CMS’s Wall of Shame

What’s the Pickle?

Unlike most preceding regulatory requirements, Cures Act has greater room for practicality. Also, the ways in which EHR vendors can achieve compliance are many. However, choosing one that avoids revisiting implementations and delivers business value to providers is imperative.

Real-world demands FHIR,
beyond the Clinical world

SVAP considerations,
for flexibility and futureproofing

Trial by FHIR;
SMART, Flat/Bulk

Consent Management,
entwined with business processes

EHI request/response tracking,
to counter Info. Blocking allegations

How we Help in the Journey?

How we help in the journey

Comprehension of ‘complete’ compliance requirements – The footnotes are very important

Practical implementation for business outcomes – Mere ‘Compliance’ doesn’t imply business applicability/benefits

Leading certification and RWT reporting – We take care of the logistics and the unknown

Let’s get your EHR compliant

Let’s get your

EHR compliant

We Have Helped Others Get Their Solution Certified Successfully. Let’s do the same for you

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