Understanding SDOH and its Benefits: An Evaluation for Care Providers
The ‘Value’ in Value-Based Care has numerous non-clinical components that weigh in heavily on care outcomes. These essential components, known as Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), are not new for care providers. However, conceptualizing a strategy to integrate them with the care quality remains uncharted territory.
SDOH plays a crucial role in care outcomes; therefore, care providers must factor in their impact into the healthcare equation.
This white paper explores possibilities and methodologies for care providers to incorporate SDOH into care delivery. Some of the areas it covers include:
The Nature of SDOH
What factors comprise SDOH data, and what data sources must care providers begin tracking?
The SDOH Mechanism
How can care providers capture and use SDOH information in a care setting?
Gathering SDOH data and incorporating it
What are the challenges impeding the collection and use of SDOH data in the care setting?
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