Telehealth Video Conference Implementation

Real-Time Data Streaming for Better Patient Monitoring

The client is one of the largest wearable clinical grade physiology monitoring companies. They provide medical devices, integrated solutions with connected hardware, value-added data analytics and monitoring services. The client wanted a real-time device data streaming and processing platform hosted on the cloud. The client sought out Nalashaa as the preferred vendor to develop the BI/analytics platform given our expertise in healthcare IT and cloud technologies.

Client Challenge

Data Management: It was quite challenging to effectively collect and store increasing volumes of data, in real-time. The client also needed to accommodate different data formats.

Analytics: Analyzing the data collected and processed in real-time, to help the client stay ahead and improve their offerings to suit consumers, was a laborious task.

Monitoring: The lack of visualization and monitoring of the data for BI reports and alerts respectively was impractical as stakeholders and consumers were left clueless on their progress.

Our Solution


How We Made a Difference

Utilized Power BI to enable data-driven decisions

Streamlined data management with Azure SQL database

Blob storage to store multimedia objects

Technology Stack

  • Asp .NET Web API
  • Azure IOT Hub
  • Stream Analytics
  • Cosmos DB
  • Azure AD
  • Power BI

Let's move to value-based care

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