What needs to be done?
Successful HIS data submissions, in order to achieve at least 70% data submission within 30 days of event date.
Data Collection
Completing HIS items in conjuction with patient assessment or by abstracting data from the clinical record.
Record Conversion
Converting HIS data into the proper electronic XML format, either using a vendor-designed software or HART.
Record Submission
Zipping XML files into the .zip format and submitting to QIES ASAP system for Quality Measure calculations.
The HIS is a patient-level data collection tool that collects information about care processes completed during the initial and/or comprehensive assessment period. Hospice providers complete HIS records, and HIS data is submitted to CMS.
HIS Data Submission Involves
HIS Item Set | Submission Specifications | HIS Data Validation Utility Tool
From April 1st, 2016, HIS Data submission should be based on version 1.02. For this version there are no changes to HIS item set means no new items or deleted items. HIS Data Submission Specifications follow the version 1.02.0.
When a submitted HIS record is validated by the Assessment Submission and Processing (ASAP) system, its target date is evaluated and is used to load the appropriate set of edits for the specifications in effect on the target date. If the submitted record does not conform to those edits, the appropriate warning and/or fatal error messages are issued.
Once a new version of the data specs takes effect, data submission software typically handles records from the previous version (or versions) and the new version. Thus software must identify the target date for each record, determine which version of the specs applies, and use those specifications to validate the record prior to submission. Failure to do this may result in warnings, fatal errors, or unexpected results.